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Pls multiple sprite update or salt goes on nearest slug


Once I finish implementing support for the standard kernel, I would intend to skip right to DPC+ 😉


oh cool


Are there any video tutorials for this sw? Thanks!

None, yet, but it would be something interesting to have.

(2 edits) (+1)

the sprite0 and sprite1 animation is bug


Interesting. What kind of bug is ocurring?


When I try to make one animation change to another, the animation freezes.

Would your code be trying to change the animation on every frame?  That would cause the animation to always reset, making it look frozen.


hi, i see "variables " but not sure how to create one? Id like to have a var keep track of rooms so if in room#3 on collision go to room#4 then 4 to 5 or something. please advise. PS any update for video in choice4genesis? Thanks keep gaming!

Hello! In order to create variables, you go to "Variables -> Create variable..."

As for the video support on choice4genesis, I haven't started implementing the integration, yet.


im able to click create variable but it just highlights I dont seem to see it add anything?! thanks

That's weird; what browser are you using? Does some error appear on the browser's console when clicking the button?


ah im not in browser  Im using the downloaded stand alone version. Also how to create a missile or ball/thanks!

Okay, I will take a look at the standalone version, later.

As for setting up missile or ball, please take a look at the "Examples" section: there's an example for firing a missile on button press.


oh wow this is incredible!!! Can this be used to make homebrews? 

Yes! They can run on real hardware, even!




Did you hear about the 7800+? Everyone on the AtariAge forums has been hype about it; so I got an idea for you to consider in the near future: the PROSYSTEM GAME MAKER, a drag-n-drop similar to the VCS Game Maker, but uses 7800Basic instead of batariBasic.

Anyhow, thanks for making things easier for many of us. <3


Could be a cool idea for a future project. 😉


It can be, especially when the 7800 is capable of taking image files as sprites like the Master System (and maybe the NES iirc).


And also when is the vcs game maker download gonna be updated to 0.23.0


Yep, I gotta remember to update that one.




Okay, the new downloadable Windows version is now available!




When sprite update


There is a work in progress version, but it is still too glitchy to release:

It will be released once it's stabilized.



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