Suggestion: Multicolored sprites. I've noticed a lot of home-brew and some Atari 2600 games that have multicolored sprites. Like each line of the character is a different color. Example:
Notice how each line is a different color in the sprite. Maybe to import this function, there could be:
Nice, thanks! Also found another issue. I was trying to make my new game (GD2600, essentially a port of GD for the VCS) and sometimes when I just moved around the <div> placing block board, the sprites' frames were reset to default and the backgrounds auto-deleted themselves, only remaining the default background. But the code (thankfully) didn't get deleted along with everything else. But I think you should also fix this issue.
I am writing some texts about Blockly coding and i am taking your work as one of the examples. If you like i will share the text with you. The text speak about how the blockly appears to boost the development. The text are made for a course for App Inventor and describe how the blockly works. I have here my own account. Please write me if you can.
When i end the texts I promise to send you a copy. In this texts i am trying to develop the idea of coding with blocks in ANY SYSTEM. There are blockly for Java, Python, Lua, Flutter, Micropython, also there are a lot of game engines using this "technique" as Stencil, GameMaker, Godot, etc... And YOU are in this groups. The idea of using blocks it's a great idea, giving the posibility to the people TO THINK in the code, more than (if i make a mistake in the sintaxis? where is the error... i cannot find the error!.
That's the idea.
When i end the text, I promise to send you the pdf and the ppt of the class. (I am Teacher/Developer and.... Geologist too, and many other things too like 8bit computer collector) --->a little bit of everything.
By the way, i am ZX Spectrum programmer, and i have the dream to see the blockly mode into an engine for create ZX Spectrum games.
IF YOU CAN.... THIS COULD BE A GREAT IDEA FOR MAKE A NEW ENGINE FOR DEVELOPING GAMES FOR ZX SPECTRUM. Write me if i can collaborate with the project. (i have several ZX Spectrums) CZ Spectrum 48k, Sinclair Spectrum 2000, TK85 (Microdigital). ----> I have many other 8bits computers too, but is not important. Again. Thank you for replying and let me know IF YOU REALLY PLAN TO DO IT, I PROMISE TO HELP IN ANY OF MY POSIBILITIES. (Sorry for my english, i am Spanish talker).
hi how to create a seperate "title screen"/game over screen? I see on collide it can go there but not sure how to make one.. is it a special type o background??
Hello! On the "Event" section, there are the "Change state" and "On ..." components; in order to call the gameover screen, you would change the state to "Game over", and then, thenengine will fire the "Gameover start" event, then start loopi g the "Game over update" event
i was making my game and I placed an empty () x () math block to make a sprite's speed go negative. when I placed the block, the program completely crashed, and I am now not able to use it :< maybe try making so that the emulator only runs when it is told to, not when it detects any sort of click or change
ok, thanks! also, seems that because i left the tool alone for a while after crashing, it deleted the entire code. i think you should keep that in, but maybe make so that when you open the tool it will make a backup file, make you download your old progress without the () x () or a block that potentially crash the tool, and then you can resume from there. Maybe there could also be a detector for potential crashes that won't run the project but gives the person a warning.
Yes, you have to set width and height for the ball, and then control its X/Y positions to make it move around. One of the examples shows how to bounce a ball around.
When we get to have the ability to compose music. Will it be done with the standard detuned tones or will it be a special standard like TItuna or something like DPC+?
As I'd like to have the option to use just use standard kernel for music compositions. So that way CPU time is minimal for music.
That would be super awesome. As having it be a lean as possible will hopefully allow for some breathing room. And allow me to use more functions of the machine in tandem with the music.
Good gravy the update feels like a Halloween treat. Thank you so much for the ball update it's a nice upgrade. Also I meant to write this a couple of days ago, but you know how Halloween is and all.
Unfortunately, I haven't gone back to its implementation since last time; the implementation is there, but the height randomly resets when navigating between screens. I will come back to it, eventually
Looking at it, it seems mostly correct, so far, separating the X and Y speed components; changing the "if Ball Y Speed < 2" to "if Ball Y Speed = 1" should work (untested)
BTW, aside from the code generation bug, there's a chance that the `repeat` block won't work in a useful way with that arrangement:
The way the code above is arranged, it means that it would stop everything else and just keep moving the missile and nothing else, until it collides with something. No joystick input, no movement for the other sprites, just the missile.
There's a good chance that it would probably not be what was intended.
Yes, because it only supports Batari Basic's standard kernel. Once the tool does every thing it can do for the standard kernel, I intend to implement support for the DPC+ kernel
I'm sure why, but I have a feeling that there is a non-DPC+ multi-sprite kernel somewhere on the AtariAge forums. I just realized this since some DPC+ games are usually underwhelming for something like 32+ KB A2600 rom.
Probably for the best...but I do recommend that you use a kernel that is 32KB or lower. Mostly because some kids will use the Atari + platform to test their Atari 2600 games made with this thing.
hi, i see "variables " but not sure how to create one? Id like to have a var keep track of rooms so if in room#3 on collision go to room#4 then 4 to 5 or something. please advise. PS any update for video in choice4genesis? Thanks keep gaming!
Did you hear about the 7800+? Everyone on the AtariAge forums has been hype about it; so I got an idea for you to consider in the near future: the PROSYSTEM GAME MAKER, a drag-n-drop similar to the VCS Game Maker, but uses 7800Basic instead of batariBasic.
Anyhow, thanks for making things easier for many of us. <3
Depends, what kind of lines? It is possible to create vertical lines of arbitrary size using missiles or the ball; also, since it uses the standard kernel, it should be possible to change the background blocks on the fly, though there are no blocks implemented for that, yet.
I see. AFAIK, Pitfall uses the ball for implementing the vine; unfortunately, batari Basic does not support custom slopes for the ball; it is always drawn as a vertical line.
โ Return to tool
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pretty dang good 2600 game maker, I wish there was a hexadecimal like famitracker music maker.
Thanks; that's kinda planned for future implementation:
Suggestion: Multicolored sprites. I've noticed a lot of home-brew and some Atari 2600 games that have multicolored sprites. Like each line of the character is a different color. Example:
Notice how each line is a different color in the sprite. Maybe to import this function, there could be:
Yeah, when DPC+ support gets implemented, it will have support for multicolored sprites
Nice, thanks! Also found another issue. I was trying to make my new game (GD2600, essentially a port of GD for the VCS) and sometimes when I just moved around the <div> placing block board, the sprites' frames were reset to default and the backgrounds auto-deleted themselves, only remaining the default background. But the code (thankfully) didn't get deleted along with everything else. But I think you should also fix this issue.
Thanks for the bug report.
Okay, I opened the issue to look on that later:
So this is essentially like Scratch?
Its not the same thing, but it has similarities
Hello Haroldo.
I am writing some texts about Blockly coding and i am taking your work as one of the examples. If you like i will share the text with you. The text speak about how the blockly appears to boost the development. The text are made for a course for App Inventor and describe how the blockly works. I have here my own account. Please write me if you can.
Seems like an interesting idea! Please, go ahead! ๐
Thank you Haroldo-ok for the quick reply.
When i end the texts I promise to send you a copy. In this texts i am trying to develop the idea of coding with blocks in ANY SYSTEM. There are blockly for Java, Python, Lua, Flutter, Micropython, also there are a lot of game engines using this "technique" as Stencil, GameMaker, Godot, etc... And YOU are in this groups. The idea of using blocks it's a great idea, giving the posibility to the people TO THINK in the code, more than (if i make a mistake in the sintaxis? where is the error... i cannot find the error!.
That's the idea.
When i end the text, I promise to send you the pdf and the ppt of the class. (I am Teacher/Developer and.... Geologist too, and many other things too like 8bit computer collector) --->a little bit of everything.
By the way, i am ZX Spectrum programmer, and i have the dream to see the blockly mode into an engine for create ZX Spectrum games.
Again, Thank you for replying so soon.
Many thanks! Sounds like a cool idea! ๐
BTW, there are a few block-based programming languages that generate C code; they could be adapted to support the ZX Spectrum
IF YOU CAN.... THIS COULD BE A GREAT IDEA FOR MAKE A NEW ENGINE FOR DEVELOPING GAMES FOR ZX SPECTRUM. Write me if i can collaborate with the project. (i have several ZX Spectrums) CZ Spectrum 48k, Sinclair Spectrum 2000, TK85 (Microdigital). ----> I have many other 8bits computers too, but is not important. Again. Thank you for replying and let me know IF YOU REALLY PLAN TO DO IT, I PROMISE TO HELP IN ANY OF MY POSIBILITIES. (Sorry for my english, i am Spanish talker).
Thanks! I'll take the offer into consideration! ๐
hi how to create a seperate "title screen"/game over screen? I see on collide it can go there but not sure how to make one.. is it a special type o background??
Hello! On the "Event" section, there are the "Change state" and "On ..." components; in order to call the gameover screen, you would change the state to "Game over", and then, thenengine will fire the "Gameover start" event, then start loopi g the "Game over update" event
Here's a more elaborate example. where the game starts on a title screen, until you press a button:
thank you that will help!
i was making my game and I placed an empty () x () math block to make a sprite's speed go negative. when I placed the block, the program completely crashed, and I am now not able to use it :< maybe try making so that the emulator only runs when it is told to, not when it detects any sort of click or change
Okay, I opened two issues to look at that later:
ok, thanks! also, seems that because i left the tool alone for a while after crashing, it deleted the entire code. i think you should keep that in, but maybe make so that when you open the tool it will make a backup file, make you download your old progress without the () x () or a block that potentially crash the tool, and then you can resume from there. Maybe there could also be a detector for potential crashes that won't run the project but gives the person a warning.
this is so cool! but I have an idea for the Event category:
And what if, in the background category, there was:
And my last idea, for the sprites category:
If possible, could you add these? Thanks ^_^
Nice ideas ๐
how dose the ball function work? i am trying to make a sprite into a ball so it can bounce around the screen is it possible?
Yes, you have to set width and height for the ball, and then control its X/Y positions to make it move around. One of the examples shows how to bounce a ball around.
is it possible to switch colors every scanline with thos? if so, how do i do it?
Unfortunately, for now, the tool does not support that feature, but may implement it when it starts supporting DPC+
ok thank you anyways
also there is a bug that keeps happening when I edit the images where it just doesn't update correctly. other than that the tool is very good.
Must be related to this bug:
When doing support for other mapper formats. Will the super charger be on that list or is it too low of a priority to even try.
Well, when implementing support for DPC+, it will also be necessary to implement at least partial mapper support.
When we get to have the ability to compose music. Will it be done with the standard detuned tones or will it be a special standard like TItuna or something like DPC+?
As I'd like to have the option to use just use standard kernel for music compositions. So that way CPU time is minimal for music.
I will have to see what to do; generally, I opt for something simple that uses less RAM
That would be super awesome. As having it be a lean as possible will hopefully allow for some breathing room. And allow me to use more functions of the machine in tandem with the music.
I am so thankful this exists
Thanks! ๐
looks like I've got a special tool to create some new VCS games
Good gravy the update feels like a Halloween treat. Thank you so much for the ball update it's a nice upgrade. Also I meant to write this a couple of days ago, but you know how Halloween is and all.
No problem; thanks for the review. ๐
Im so hyped for 0.30
How close is Sprite Height changing?
Unfortunately, I haven't gone back to its implementation since last time; the implementation is there, but the height randomly resets when navigating between screens. I will come back to it, eventually
Oh, that really is weird.
hi the online version works but the downloaded version with same file gives errors:
Error while compiling bBasic code: Error: Errors while assembling.
Line 178: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
player0x = player0x + Player_0_X_Speed
Line 179: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
Line 180: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
Player_0_X_Speed = 0
Line 190: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 197: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 204: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 207: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
ballx = ballx + Ball_X_Speed
Line 10: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 11: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 15: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 19: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 46: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
dim player0realcolor = r
Line 47: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
dim player1realcolor = q
Line 67: Unresolved symbol 'readpaddle'
rem **************************************************************************
Line 76: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
rem **************************************************************************
Line 79: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 92: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Level_Number = 1
Line 93: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
player1x = 66
Line 95: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 98: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
rem Main loop:
Line 124: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
if Even_Frame then goto _if_2 else goto _if_2_end
Line 125: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 127: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 129: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 131: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
goto _if_4_else_end
Line 162: Unresolved symbol 'player1colors'
ballheight = 3
Line 171: Unresolved symbol 'playercolors'
Even_Frame = true
Line 179: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 180: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Player_0_X_Speed = 0
Line 182: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
if joy0right then goto _if_10 else goto _if_10_end
Line 184: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Player_0_X_Speed = 1
Line 186: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 208: Unresolved symbol 'no_blank_lines'
goto _if_12_else_end
Line 209: Unresolved symbol 'playercolors'
Line 224: Unresolved symbol 'readpaddle'
Line 227: Unresolved symbol 'readpaddle'
rem End of generated code.
Line 230: Unresolved symbol 'readpaddle'
goto main
Line 234: Unresolved symbol 'playercolors'
rem **************************************************************************
Line 235: Unresolved symbol 'PFcolors'
Line 239: Unresolved symbol 'backgroundchange'
rem **************************************************************************
Line 259: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 260: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
if channnel1duration = 1 then AUDV1 = 0
Line 262: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 265: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
rem - Draws the screen and handles user input. Moves the sprites and
Line 274: Unresolved symbol 'PFmaskvalue'
rem Backgrounds generated by vcs-game-maker.
Line 275: Unresolved symbol 'PFmaskvalue'
rem **************************************************************************
Line 295: Unresolved symbol 'PFcolorandheight'
Line 297: Unresolved symbol 'backgroundchange'
Line 305: Unresolved symbol 'PFheights'
Line 312: Unresolved symbol 'PFcolors'
Line 315: Unresolved symbol 'backgroundchange'
Line 320: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 321: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 323: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 326: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
if newbackground <> 4 then goto background4end
Line 331: Unresolved symbol 'PFcolorandheight'
Line 332: Unresolved symbol 'PFcolors'
Line 333: Unresolved symbol 'PFheights'
Line 334: Unresolved symbol 'no_blank_lines'
Line 342: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
if newbackground <> 5 then goto background5end
Line 343: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 345: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 348: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 366: Unresolved symbol 'no_blank_lines'
Line 368: Unresolved symbol 'PFcolors'
Line 376: Unresolved symbol 'PFheights'
Line 389: Unresolved symbol 'PFheights'
Line 399: Unresolved symbol 'no_blank_lines'
Line 417: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 418: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 420: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 422: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
if newbackground <> 10 then goto background10end
Line 424: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 459: Unresolved symbol 'player1colors'
Line 472: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 473: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 475: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 477: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 479: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 492: Unresolved symbol 'player1colors'
Line 497: Unresolved symbol 'playercolors'
Line 515: Unresolved symbol 'no_blank_lines'
Line 522: Unresolved symbol 'readpaddle'
rem **************************************************************************
Line 525: Unresolved symbol 'readpaddle'
Line 528: Unresolved symbol 'readpaddle'
Line 550: Unresolved symbol 'no_blank_lines'
Line 551: Unresolved symbol 'no_blank_lines'
Line 562: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 563: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
goto player0animationsEnd
Line 565: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 568: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
rem Animations for player1:
Line 576: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
if player1frame = 20 then player1frame = 0
Line 577: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
Line 578: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
if player1frame > 10 then goto player1animation0frame0End
Line 580: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
Line 601: Unresolved symbol 'player1colors'
Line 605: Unresolved symbol 'playercolors'
Line 606: Unresolved symbol 'readpaddle'
Line 614: Unresolved symbol 'no_blank_lines'
Line 628: Unresolved symbol 'minikernel'
Line 629: Unresolved symbol 'minikernel'
Line 639: Unresolved symbol 'noscore'
Line 694: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
Line 695: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
Line 710: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
Line 711: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
Line 727: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
Line 728: Unresolved symbol 'pfscore'
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 774: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
Line 775: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
Line 776: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
Line 777: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
Line 779: Unresolved symbol 'shakescreen'
Line 809: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 810: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 812: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 813: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 830: Unresolved symbol 'multisprite'
Line 831: Unresolved symbol 'multisprite'
Line 834: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 855: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 856: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 861: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 901: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 908: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 917: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 927: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 983: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 992: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1002: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1049: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1050: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1058: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 1088: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1089: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1096: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 1132: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 1133: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 1135: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1138: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1154: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1173: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1174: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1182: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1183: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1184: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1186: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1188: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1190: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1201: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1202: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1204: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1206: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1208: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 1232: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 1233: Unresolved symbol 'pfrowheight'
Line 1235: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1238: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1246: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1247: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1249: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1251: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1253: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1266: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1267: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 1273: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1295: Unresolved symbol 'superchip'
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 1326: Unresolved symbol 'rand16'
Line 1327: Unresolved symbol 'rand16'
Line 1333: Unresolved symbol 'rand16'
Line 1334: Unresolved symbol 'rand16'
Line 1: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
set tv ntsc
Line 1342: Unresolved symbol 'debugscore'
Line 1346: Unresolved symbol 'mincycles'
Line 1347: Unresolved symbol 'mincycles'
Line 1349: Unresolved symbol 'mincycles'
Line 1352: Unresolved symbol 'mincycles'
Line 1369: Unresolved symbol 'debugscore'
Line 1380: Unresolved symbol 'debugscore'
Line 1383: Unresolved symbol 'debugcycles'
Line 1414: Unresolved symbol 'legacy'
Line 1415: Unresolved symbol 'legacy'
Line 1475: Unresolved symbol 'legacy'
Line 1476: Unresolved symbol 'legacy'
Line 1507: Unresolved symbol 'vblank_bB_code'
Line 1508: Unresolved symbol 'vblank_bB_code'
Line 2075: Unresolved symbol 'false'
Line 2086: Unresolved symbol 'true'
Line 2518: Unresolved symbol 'backgroundchange'
Line 2532: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2533: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2572: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2573: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2612: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2613: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2652: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2653: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2692: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2693: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2732: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2733: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2772: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2773: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2812: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2813: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2852: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2853: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2892: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2893: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2932: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2933: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2972: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 2973: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 3012: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 3013: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 3052: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 3053: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 3092: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 3093: Unresolved symbol 'pfres'
Line 3118: Unresolved symbol 'backgroundchange'
Line 3465: Unresolved symbol 'ROM2k'
Line 3468: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3469: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3473: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3477: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3579: Unresolved symbol 'ROM2k'
Line 3582: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3583: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3587: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3591: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3603: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3604: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3608: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3612: Unresolved symbol 'bankswitch'
Line 3617: Unresolved symbol 'ROM2k'
Hello; the downloadable Windows version is currently based on an older version of the tool.
ahh! I figured it was some small discrepancy. ok thanks!
No problem!
can a projectile be like breakout angle vert and horizontal ?
im doing something wrong...
Looking at it, it seems mostly correct, so far, separating the X and Y speed components; changing the "if Ball Y Speed < 2" to "if Ball Y Speed = 1" should work (untested)
this is what i have so far. still just vertical..hmm
Okay, this one shoud work:
Example project:
yes thanks!!
Made this in 5 minutes as a warmup
Nice! ๐
mayve asked but is there a way to see if player 0 is at x (top of screen) to go to next background/level?
Yes, the level number can be incremented like a variable:
Example project:
thanks works!
No problem!
Can u add like buttons under the get rom button that can control for the emulator on mobil
Okay; I opened an issue in order to not forget it:
It seems that the code for the "or" operator is being generated incorrectly when inside a repeat block.
I opened the issue:
Oh cool
OK, fixed it:
theres a bug with the collision and or blocks being together
It looks like there's a bug when using a while block inside an if block...
I have opened the relevant issue to look at it later:
BTW, aside from the code generation bug, there's a chance that the `repeat` block won't work in a useful way with that arrangement:
The way the code above is arranged, it means that it would stop everything else and just keep moving the missile and nothing else, until it collides with something. No joystick input, no movement for the other sprites, just the missile.
There's a good chance that it would probably not be what was intended.
Fixed the code generation bug:
Herod fixed it
I'd want to make a more advanced game. But this seems to only handle more simple-looking games.
Yes, because it only supports Batari Basic's standard kernel. Once the tool does every thing it can do for the standard kernel, I intend to implement support for the DPC+ kernel
I'm sure why, but I have a feeling that there is a non-DPC+ multi-sprite kernel somewhere on the AtariAge forums. I just realized this since some DPC+ games are usually underwhelming for something like 32+ KB A2600 rom.
There exists a non-DPC+ multi-sprite kernel, but I opted to skip it, in order to better focus the development of the tool.
Probably for the best...but I do recommend that you use a kernel that is 32KB or lower. Mostly because some kids will use the Atari + platform to test their Atari 2600 games made with this thing.
Okay, thanks for the tip.
If i could I'd donate
No problems, I activated the optional donation button. ๐
Hi there, this looks interesting but i was surprised to not see any tutorials on youtube. how are folks learning how to use this?
Good question! It seems people are kinda figuring out how to use it, but it would definitely be better to have a tutorial available...
Okay, here's a tutorial:
Some of the skills I have are from a mix of assembly and console understanding. And GB studio having a similar "flow" to this.
Yes, I can see the similarities...
I was trying to make a game, but I found some weird glitches:
When I fix the player's sprites, sometimes all the game code gets erased
The sound of the emulator disables itself for no reason
I also have a suggestion:
Make a wait seconds or frames block
Despite these bugs, this is a very impressive tool!
Thanks for the suggestions ! ๐
Okay, opened the issues to look into later.
Make a block for waiting seconds or frames
The sound of the emulator disables itself for no reason
When changing the player's sprites, sometimes all the game code gets erased
Okay, implemented it:
Pls multiple sprite update pleasss
Once I finish implementing support for the standard kernel, I would intend to skip right to DPC+ ๐
oh cool
Are there any video tutorials for this sw? Thanks!
None, yet, but it would be something interesting to have.
Okay, here's a tutorial:
I am definitely gonna have to watch this, I'm dumb as hell and don't understand anything lol
the sprite0 and sprite1 animation is bug
Interesting. What kind of bug is ocurring?
When I try to make one animation change to another, the animation freezes.
Would your code be trying to change the animation on every frame? That would cause the animation to always reset, making it look frozen.
hi, i see "variables " but not sure how to create one? Id like to have a var keep track of rooms so if in room#3 on collision go to room#4 then 4 to 5 or something. please advise. PS any update for video in choice4genesis? Thanks keep gaming!
Hello! In order to create variables, you go to "Variables -> Create variable..."

As for the video support on choice4genesis, I haven't started implementing the integration, yet.
im able to click create variable but it just highlights I dont seem to see it add anything?! thanks
That's weird; what browser are you using? Does some error appear on the browser's console when clicking the button?
ah im not in browser Im using the downloaded stand alone version. Also how to create a missile or ball/thanks!
Okay, I will take a look at the standalone version, later.
As for setting up missile or ball, please take a look at the "Examples" section: there's an example for firing a missile on button press.
oh wow this is incredible!!! Can this be used to make homebrews?
Yes! They can run on real hardware, even!
Did you hear about the 7800+? Everyone on the AtariAge forums has been hype about it; so I got an idea for you to consider in the near future: the PROSYSTEM GAME MAKER, a drag-n-drop similar to the VCS Game Maker, but uses 7800Basic instead of batariBasic.
Anyhow, thanks for making things easier for many of us. <3
Could be a cool idea for a future project. ๐
It can be, especially when the 7800 is capable of taking image files as sprites like the Master System (and maybe the NES iirc).
And also when is the vcs game maker download gonna be updated to 0.23.0
Yep, I gotta remember to update that one.
Okay, the new downloadable Windows version is now available!
When sprite update
There is a work in progress version, but it is still too glitchy to release:
It will be released once it's stabilized.
hey haroldo-ok can you make a function to create lines
and be able to modify them with variables?
Depends, what kind of lines? It is possible to create vertical lines of arbitrary size using missiles or the ball; also, since it uses the standard kernel, it should be possible to change the background blocks on the fly, though there are no blocks implemented for that, yet.
I see. AFAIK, Pitfall uses the ball for implementing the vine; unfortunately, batari Basic does not support custom slopes for the ball; it is always drawn as a vertical line.
Magik [prototype]