Version 0.10.0 is now available!

This version adds the required implementations do allow the use of native `C` functions:

  • Implemented support for using .c, .h and .res on the project:
    • Before the transpilation, the required target dirs are automatically created, if they don't exist;
    • Before the transpilation, the contents of the base/ folder are copied to the src/ and res/ folders are copied to the project's corresponding folders; this means that the base libraries and base resources don't need to be added to the project during its creation;
    • Before the transpilation, if the project/ folder inside the project contains child src/ and/or res/ subfolders, those will be copied unmodified to the target src/ and res/ folders.
  • Implemented new commands enable the use of native C functions on the project:
    • import: imports the given .h file into the generated code;
    • native: directly calls a C language function.


choice4genesis-0.10.0-standalone.7z 107 MB
Nov 02, 2022
choice4genesis - v0.10.0 - transpiler.7z 4.3 MB
Nov 02, 2022
choice4genesis - v0.10.0 - simple demo rom.bin 256 kB
Nov 02, 2022

Get choice4genesis - a ChoiceScript clone for the Sega Genesis

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